Re-Elect Edgar Gonzalez Jr. for State Representative

State Representative Edgar Gonzalez currently represents the 23rd House District, which covers the Chicago neighborhoods of Little Village and Brighton Park, as well as the Town of Cicero.

  • Demanding more affordable healthcare and prescription drugs.

  • Defending a woman’s right to choose – no matter what extreme judges say.

  • Building an economy that works by expanding access to career and technical education – and investing in roads, bridges, railroads, universities, and early childhood centers to create and sustain 540,000 jobs.

  • Rebuilding Illinois’ fiscal house by cutting state debt, saving for the future, and improving our credit. 

Edgar is moving Illinois forward by:

Edgar está mejorando a Illinois al:

  • Exigir atención médica y medicamentos más accesibles.

  • Defender el derecho de la mujer a decidir sin importar lo que digan los jueces extremistas. 

  • Construir una economía que funcione, facilitando el acceso a la educación profesional y técnica; invirtiendo en carreteras, puentes, ferrocarriles, universidades y centros de cuidado para los bebés y niños creando y manteniendo 540,000 puestos de trabajo.

  • Reconstruir la recaudación fiscal de Illinois para reducir la deuda estatal, ahorrando para el futuro y mejorando nuestro crédito estatal.